Mioni Family Law Technology in the Time of Covid-19

Technology has been, for the most part, extremely beneficial. Particularly during this trying time, the advancement of technology has allowed us to stay in contact with our loved ones through messages or video calls. As businesses continue to pop up virtually, the need for some in-person services to be transferred to technological advances is high. I’ll frequently get phone calls or emails from potential clients asking to book a consultation, which is not difficult to do. However, to make life a little bit easier on you, our website now features an option for the online booking of your consultation.

With online booking, there is no need to worry about miscommunication or telephone tag. One of the most difficult parts about scheduling a consultation over the phone is actually being able to talk without missing each other’s calls or to coordinate schedules. The option to book online provides you with a quick and easy alternative to booking an appointment in person or over the phone. From the convenience of your own home and schedule, you’re able to book an appointment without any of the extra hassle! Simply go onto the website at www.mionifamilylaw.com and scroll over the “Contact” feature. From there, all you have to do is click the “Set Up a Consultation” link and you will shortly be transferred over to our calendaring and scheduling page. Normally, you would have the option to choose either an in-person consultation or a consultation over the phone. I’m located in Redondo Beach, so if you’re in any neighboring city, feel free to click the in-person option if you’d like. However, due to Covid-19 I am currently only offering consultations over the phone (it’s for your safety and mine). After choosing an option, you will be taken to the calendar page, which gives you the freedom to choose a date and time that works best for you.

If you’re a returning client, there’s an option for you as well. Instead of clicking “Set Up a Consultation” under the “Contact” feature, all you need to do is click “Client Login.” You’ll immediately be taken to the MyCase website, where you’ll need to log in with your information to access your secure client portal. This will allow you to upload any documents or see any upcoming dates that you need to be aware of.

Online booking is quick, convenient, and stress-free. This is a confusing and unpredictable time, so I understand that playing phone tag to book a consultation is the least of your worries. However, if you feel yourself needing a family lawyer during this time, please feel free to book a consultation with me. As a Redondo Beach family attorney, I’m more than happy to offer you a consultation and see what I can do for you and your family. Prior to booking online, please feel free to read my last post titled, “Some Things to Consider if Filing for a Divorce During Covid-19:” to get an idea of some pointers to be aware of during this time.