Month: March 2017

Do I Really Need a Prenup?

For a lot of people the answer may be “no, you don’t actually”.  I’m not one of those attorneys that thinks everyone needs a prenup.  There are some people who can really benefit from a prenuptial agreement though. So, who actually NEEDS a prenup? That guy that has a bunch...

Adult Adoption Lawyer

What is adult adoption?  When one person who is an adult adopts another adult (note that the adopting parent is required to be at least ten years older than the person being adopted). Do you need to get consent for an adult adoption from birth parents?  No.  The beauty...

How to Adopt an Adult in California- Los Angeles

How to Adopt an Adult in California You can adopt an adult in California and establish a legal parent-child relationship if the following requirements are met: The adopting parent must be at least ten years older than the person they are adopting. If...

The Biggest Mistake After Being Awarded Spousal Support

So you’re divorced, or you have filed for divorce.  You are receiving spousal support and think it’s about time you moved on with your life.  On your quest to move on with your life you decide that you are moving in with the person you are currently dating....