Category: Child & Spousal Support

The Biggest Mistake After Being Awarded Spousal Support

So you’re divorced, or you have filed for divorce.  You are receiving spousal support and think it’s about time you moved on with your life.  On your quest to move on with your life you decide that you are moving in with the person you are currently dating....

Can I Modify Child Support?

Have you suffered a decrease in income?  Do you have more physical custody of your child than the court order states?  Has the other parent received a raise or now has additional income that is a greater amount than what the original child support order was based on? ...

Child Support add-ons: getting more than guideline

Child support is governed by the formula in the Statewide Uniform Guidelines for Child Support. However, it is possible to get more than guideline child support in some instances. There are two mandatory add-ons for child support and a couple add-ons that are discretionary. The algebraic formula used to...

DissoMaster: Calculating Child Support and Spousal Support

The “DissoMaster” is a program used by Los Angeles Superior Court, and many other courts, as well as the majority of family law attorneys to calculate child and spousal support.  The DissoMaster computes child and/or spousal support based on the income of the parties, the timeshare with the...